[This post is by Ellie Powers, a product manager on the Google Play team. — Tim Bray]
As your apps have gotten more successful, more people have joined your team. Today, we’re making it easier to work together on analyzing and managing your published Android apps. Sharing passwords is
generally a bad idea; so as of now, there’s no need to do that for the Android Developer Console — everyone can use his or her own Google account.
The account that you use today to sign into the Android Developer Console will become the
account owner; only the account owner can manage access to the Console. The account owner can email an invitation to anyone; when they accept it, they’ll need to use a Google account to sign in.
Different people in your team do different jobs, so when you invite someone to your Android Developer Console, you’ll be able to specify what access they need. Today, you can limit access per-user to financial reports. In the future, we’ll give you more fine-grained control over access to the Console. For details, see
Account owner and user access.
We hope this helps your team collaborate more easily. If you have any issues, feel free to get in touch via the
Developer Help Center.
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