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28 október 2022

Pixel 7, the first 64-bit-only Android phone

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Posted by Serban Constantinescu, Product Manager,Pixel 7 and Pixel 7 Pro are the first Android phones to support only 64-bit apps. This configuration drops OS support for 32-bit code, reducing memory usage, improving performance, and enhancing security. Over time, we expect this device configuration to become commonplace.

Thanks to the efforts and collaboration of the entire Android community, our ecosystem is ready. Transitioning Android devices to 64-bit-only required many changes across the platform, tooling, Play, and, of course, your apps. We started by introducing 64-bit support in 2014, announcing policy changes in 2017 and requiring support for Google Play apps starting 2019.

Your device is faster, safer and uses less memory

64-bit apps run faster because they have access to extra registers and instructions that aren't available to 32-bit apps. In addition, newer CPUs deliver up to 25% better performance when running 64-bit code or even drop support for 32-bit code altogether.

64-bit can help improve security. The bigger address space makes defenses like ASLR more effective and the spare bits can be used to protect control flow integrity. These countermeasures may reduce the chance an intruder can take control of your device.

Removing support for 32-bit code saves up to 150MB of RAM, which was used by the OS even when not running 32-bit apps. These memory savings result in fewer out-of-memory conditions meaning less jank and fewer background app kills.

Developers have access to better tools

Developers targeting 64-bit have access to better tools such as HWASan for detecting memory errors and improving the quality of an app.

Faster OS updates for vendors

64-bit-only device configurations halve the CTS testing time. Combined with GKI, vendors can update devices faster and more easily.

Going forward

With 64-bit-only devices now reaching users, we encourage developers to start paying extra attention to testing their apps and updates for 64-bit-only devices. To support this, Google Play now provides pre-launch reports that are run on 64-bit-only devices to detect and report compatibility problems.

Note: While 64-bit-only devices will grow in popularity with phones joining Android Auto in this group, 32-bit-only devices will continue to be important for Android Go, Android TV, and Android Wear. Please continue supporting 32-bit ABIs; Google Play will continue serving 32-bit apps to 32-bit-only devices.