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14 febrero 2023

Bringing the best of Chrome to Android developers and users

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Posted by Victor Gallet, Product ManagerWhen adding a web experience to your Android app, simply launching a browser from your app forces users to leave your app, with the risk of abandonment for that session. WebViews allow you to build your own in-app browser, but can be a complex process with higher maintenance overhead. To help developers provide a better in-app web experience, Chrome launched Custom Tabs, which are now supported by most major browsers on Android.

Today, we’re announcing two new features that bring the best of Chrome to Android developers and users.

Multitasking between your app and the web

Moving image showing customizable height with partial custom tabs on a phone screen
Developers can customize tab height with Partial Custom Tabs

To keep users engaged with your app, Chrome now gives you more control over tab height with Partial Custom Tabs. You can customize the tab in pixels for a partial overlay, allowing users to simultaneously interact with your native app and the web. Partial Custom Tabs are currently supported by a handful of browsers, including Chrome, and we look forward to additional browser support soon. If your users’ browser does not support Partial Custom Tabs, users will simply see the supported full-screen Custom Tab.

Giving users the best of Chrome

With Chrome Custom Tabs, you’ll give users a fast, safe, and seamless way to experience the web. Your users will know that when they open the web from your app, it will be “running in Chrome” so they can use their most loved Chrome features like saved passwords and autofill.
Moving image showing Google password Manager and autofill features on a phone screen
Developers can customize tab height with Partial Custom Tabs

To add web to your Android app using Custom Tabs, check out our docs on