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06 Februari 2023

Bringing together sign-in solutions and passkeys with Android's new Credential Manager

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Posted by Diego Zavala - Product Manager, Lee Campbell - Tech Lead

Today, we are glad to announce the alpha release of Credential Manager, a new Jetpack API that allows app developers to simplify their users' authentication journey, while also increasing security with support of passkeys.

Credential Manager supports multiple sign-in methods, such as username/password, passkeys, and federated sign-in solutions (e.g., Sign-in with Google) in a single API, thus simplifying the integration for developers. Furthermore, for users, Credential Manager unifies the sign-in interface across authentication methods, making it clearer and easier for users to sign-in to apps, regardless of the method they choose.

Since our update in October 2022, we’ve been expanding support for passkeys - the new industry standard for passwordless authentication - across Android and Chrome. Credential Manager allows users to create passkeys and store them in Google Password Manager. Their passkeys will sync across all of their devices that are signed in to the same Google Account, allowing users to seamlessly sign in to apps that support passkeys across these devices.

Please stay tuned for more updates from us throughout this year, as we roll out third-party password manager support to integrate with Credential Manager.

The benefits of Credential Manager

Users face multiple sign-in methods and in many of those cases the sign-in methods are parallel ways for the user to get into the same account. Credential Manager aggregates all available sign-in methods for the app into one list, while deduplicating entries for the same account. This simplification allows users to focus on selecting the account without needing understand the underlying sign-in technology:
image of four phone screens showing the process of using a saved passkey to authorize access to a Tri Bank account
Add Credential Manager to your app

To make sign-in easier in your app use Credential Manager. Visit this Android Developer guide to learn more.

Share feedback

We'd love to hear your inputs during this alpha release, so please let us know about your experience integrating with Credential Manager, using passkeys, or any other feedback you might have: