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18 12月 2023

#WeArePlay | Meet Steven from Indonesia. More stories from around the world.

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

As we bid farewell to 2023, we're excited to unveil our last #WeArePlay blog post of the year. From Lisbon to Dubai, let’s meet the creators behind the game-changing apps supporting communities, bringing innovation and joy to people.

We’re starting off in Indonesia, where Steven remembers his pocket money quickly running out while traveling around rural areas of Indonesia with his parents. Struck by how much more expensive food items were in the villages compared to Jakarta, he was inspired to create Super, providing more affordable goods outside the capital. The app allows shop owners to buy items stored locally and supply them to their communities at lower prices. It's helped boost the hyperlocal supply chain and raise living standards for rural populations. Steven is keen to point out that “it’s not just about entrepreneurship”, but “social impact”. He hopes to take Super even further and improve economic distribution across the whole of rural Indonesia.


Next, we’re crossing the Java Sea to Singapore, where twin brothers – and marathon runners – Jeromy and Kenny decided to turn their passion for self-care into a journaling app. On Journey, people can log their daily thoughts and work towards their mental health and self-improvement goals using prompts. With the guidance of coaches, they can practice gratitude, record their ambitions, and learn about mindfulness and building self-confidence. “People tell us it helps them find time to invest in themselves and dedicate space to self-care”, says Jeromy. In the future, the pair want to bring in additional coaches to support even more people to achieve their wellness goals.


Now we’re landing in the Middle East where former kindergarten friends Chris and Rene decided to use their experience being expats in Dubai to create a platform for connecting disparate communities across the city. On Hayi حي, locals can share information with their neighbors, find help within the community and connect with those living nearby. “Community is at the heart of everything we do and our goal is to have a positive effect”, says Chris. They’re currently working on creating groups for art and sport enthusiasts to encourage residents to bond over their interests. The pair are also dedicated to sustainability and plan on launching environmental projects, such as wide-scale city clean-ups.


And finally, we’re off to Europe where Lisbon-based university chums Rita, João and Martim saw unexpected success. Initially, the trio created a recipe-sharing platform, SaveCook. When they launched its accompaniment, Super Save, however, which compared prices of recipe ingredients across different supermarkets, it exploded in popularity. With rising inflation, people were hugely thankful to the founders “for providing a major service” at such a crucial time. Next, they’re working on a barcode scanner that tells shoppers where they can buy cheaper versions of products “to help people save as much as they can.”

Discover more founder stories from across the globe in the #WeArePlay collection.

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