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Introducing Play Install Referrer for Google Play Games on PC

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Posted by Arjun Dayal, Director – Google Play Games

Making informed marketing decisions relies on identifying your most valuable user acquisition channels for your games. By tracking referral data, you can understand which traffic sources send the most users to download your app from the Google Play store. These insights can help you make the most of your advertising spend and maximize ROI. That’s why in 2017, we launched the Play Install Referrer API, which gives you an easy, reliable way to track your apps’ referral information directly from the Play store.

Until now, this feature was only available for your games in the mobile Play store. Today, we’re pleased to announce support for Google Play Games on PC, allowing you to attribute conversions from your marketing activities on the Web1. If you use the Google Play Install Referrer API to track your referral sources, you can now attribute conversions to specific campaigns directly from Google Play by manually retrieving referral information, or using third-party analytics tools from Google’s App Attribution Partners.

Getting started is easy. First, generate a Google Play URL for your game’s Google Play store listing page and add a referrer query parameter for your Web campaign. Then, when a PC user clicks the link, they will be redirected to your game’s listing page on the Google Play Web store, which will give them the option to “Install on Windows.” Once the user launches your game, you’ll be able to track the referral using the Google Play Install Referrer library.

“With integration support from Adjust, developers can quickly and efficiently measure marketing campaigns for their games on Google Play Games on PC. We’re excited about the opportunity this brings for developers to broaden their games’ reach and strengthen cross-platform measurement.” 

- Gijsbert Pols, Director of Connected TV & New Channels, Adjust

Learn more about third-party referral codes for Google Play Games on PC and start optimizing your marketing performance today.


1Subject to device compatibility with Google Play Games on PC.